Friday, December 14, 2012

I voted!

The boys heard lots and lots of election talk this year.  It was the first year that Mark and I really took our votes seriously and did some research, watched the debates and talked about it quite a bit.  So on election day Isaiah came home from school so excited and so proud that he got to vote too at his school election.  
Levi and Titus did get to go with Mark to vote and we all got to go on a wild good chase to make my vote count -- one day this guy came by pushing and pushing me to sign up for an absentee ballet.  I could tell he wasn't going to stop until I agreed so I did.  It came in the mail and I never filled it out and then of course I had to work until 530pm that night and we had small group 6pm so I quickly looked at the envelope that said I had to take it downtown to the courthouse.  (but if I had done more research I could have gone to my voting spot as long as I hadn't filled out the ballet, which I hadn't)  I quickly filled it out and we drove downtown went to the wrong building and then I had to go up to the top floor of another building just to drop off the silly thing.  But we got it turned in and then headed to our voting party.  whew!

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