Thursday, January 3, 2013


 Titus is just like his big brothers were at 1 year - he is adventurous, brave and excited!  The big boys have stairs that lead up to their bunk bed and he figured out how to climb up them so that he can join in the party on the top bunk.  His big brothers thought this was so fun and love to have him play too.
The mommy and daddy in the house think this is awfully dangerous since a fall from the top bunk would be pretty scary so have moved the party from the top bunk to the bottom. Definitely not quite as fun, but still crazy for the baby.
To try to eliminate this danger and create more room in the boys' room we did move the stairs out and have let them just climb up the side to get in and out .... unfortunately it didn't take long for the baby to figure out how to climb up the side either ...

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