Monday, December 7, 2009

Levi James - 15 months!

My goodness, my baby is 15 (well almost 16) months old! Where has this year gone? He is growing so fast and learning so much!

At his appointment of course they took his measurements...

Height - 31 inches (35 percentile! ha ha)
Weight - 26.2 pounds (66 percentile)
Head circumference - 34 centimeters?? (I forget the measurement, but it was 88 percentile!)

He's proving to be the same build as his brother. Short with a big head! :)

Isaiah at his 15 month appointment (which was really 16 1/2 months) was...

Height - 31.25 inches
Weight - 25.6 pounds

Levi is doing so much and saying so many things! Here is a little summary of him as of now...

-- He loves, LOVES, loves to turn the lights off and on, he would turn the light switch up and down all day long if someone would hold him up that long. I've caught him pulling the stool over to the light switch to turn it on and off. :)

-- He loves and adores his big brother! He tries to keep up with him and do the things he does. They do play together now but it is mostly Levi copying what Isaiah is doing.

-- He's become a very picky eater. He used to eat just about anything and now he has a few select things he will eat - noodles, apples, kiwi, cheerios and cereal bars. If I try to give him something he doesn't want, he will shake his head and give it back! He will sometimes eat a few other things if you give it to him with a spoon of his own - in fact, tonight he surprised us and ate several bites of wild rice soup all by himself!

-- He loves to climb and explore! He has been known to pull a stool over to the kitchen table, get up on the chair and then climb onto the table and dance. He climbs into the bathtub, on any chair, table, or stool. The funny part is, he has figured out how to get up, but not how to get down. So it is often that I hear a little Levi whine and find him stuck up on something! ha ha.

-- He taught himself how to jump at 14ish months. He thinks he is pretty cool when he jumps and does it often :) especially when he hears music. He loves to jump on the bed with Isaiah, Jayda and Jonah.

-- He points at things he wants or sees. He typically murmurs something while pointing.

-- He says several words, but you have to know what he's thinking to understand them. He now says, mama (and mommy and mom), dada (and daddy), mil (for milk or water), mo (for more), ba (for bye), stop it (daddy and grandpa taught him this, I don't think he knows what it means!), ink ink (for binky), Isaiah (only it really doesn't sound like Isaiah and it's hard to describe!), and I'm sure a few more things that I'm forgetting.

-- He's really likes looking at books. He will often go get a book and then back up into you and sit in your lap to read it. His favorites are the touch and feel books.

-- He's adjusting to a new sleep schedule - he seems to be READY for bed at 7:45 (which is SO early for us - I don't remember Isaiah EVER going to bed before 8 or 8:30). He will sleep until roughly 5 (if we are lucky - but may need his binky back once or twice) and nurse and then go back to sleep until 7 or even 8!! He will then nap again around noon for a couple hours. This is a new schedule at our house recently, but seems to work GREAT!

-- He now has 8 teeth, 4 on top, 4 on the bottom, with 2 molars popping through! I just noticed the tips of two molars on each side on the top the other day. Must have been the reason for a few cranky days last week!

-- His is learning to be gentle! ha ha. In other words, he likes to hit and push!

-- He understands what we tell him and will go get things if we ask, like, "Levi go get your ball." and he will come back with it.

-- He has started developing a love for his blankie (along for his love for his binky! - both of which Isaiah never had!). Jonah has had a blankie for several months now, he will not sleep without it. When he's here, Levi will often take Jonah's blankie (I think because he knows it makes Jonah mad!!) and just a few weeks ago Levi found a blankie at our house that looks a lot like Jonah's blankie. He's been carrying it around and wanting it for bed and nap time! I must say it's pretty cute!

So that's a BRIEF description of my sweet little Levi James.

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