Thursday, December 3, 2009


I must admit, I don't watch the news or the weather. I really never know what is going on in the world or what temperature to expect each day. I guess I have enough to think about that I just don't make time for those things.

So when we headed out this morning and walked out in the BEAUTIFUL, HUGE snow flakes, I was surprised! and it was so, so pretty! Both boys were so excited about it and wanted to stay out in play in it. Too bad we couldn't - we were off to Levi's 15 month appointment (I'll post on that next), but I promised that we would play in it the time we got home, it looked like this...
and the snow kept coming in HUGE flakes all day long, and by 3ish it looked like this...I always forget just how beautiful the first real snow looks. Wow!

Anyway, I always try to keep my promises, so as I had told Isaiah earlier-- after Levi went down for his nap, we got ready to go outside. Isaiah found his snowpants while I was looking for a hat and decided he wanted to wear them, so he did. And Jayda wore his other pair. Don't they look cute? :)
Isaiah has been wanting to paint the snow since we did it last winter. He has asked about it several times recently and was so happy when I said we could do it today! It really didn't work very well today, but the kids didn't care! What a fun winter day!

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