Sunday, November 25, 2012

favorite spot.

Starting in October, Titus found another favorite spot in our house - on the dishwasher door.  If he hears the door open - he's there -- and FAST!  As the months have gone by, he's gotten better and faster at getting there.  I'm not sure why because every time he gets up there, he gets taken right down - mainly because his 24 pounds is not good for that door!  :)  He has managed to get on it several times because if the door doesn't get shut just tight, he can open it himself, crawl up, and have a party!  He also is fond of taking out the silverware and throwing them all over the kitchen and pulling the bottom basket all the way out of the dishwasher so he can try to crawl all the way into it.  Yikes - he's tough to keep up with!
And another related thing he likes now that the baby lock on the door right next to the dishwasher has been broken (probably by him pulling on it over and over again) is to take out the box of dishwasher tablets and throw them all around - however, this activity has been stopped because one day he decided he wanted a snack and managed to break one open and get soap in his mouth (he screamed for awhile - must not have tasted so good!).  We now keep the dishwasher soap on the kitchen counter.  Gotta love life with a toddler!

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