Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Levi's really changing!

The past few weeks have been huge weeks for Levi! He's learned to do several big things!

I shared some pictures a few weeks ago of him using a toy to pull himself up to his knees. Once he figured that out he was so curious to do more! Last Wednesday he figured out how to pull himself up to his feet! If you leave him sitting somewhere he will find something to pull himself up with and stand with the support for a long time! He loves to look around and be part of the action!
For at least a month or two he has reached for things when he was sitting up. If there was a toy a little ways out from him, he would reach to get it sometimes even getting to his hands and knees...Now he will get on his hands and knees and scoot towards it. It started that he would just scoot backwards, but in these last few days he will CRAWL forward! He will pick up his knees and go! We've watched him go as far as several feet away. He is an explorer!
He's also picked up on mimicking what someone else is doing. A week or so ago, Mark was playing with him and got him to follow his lead in raising his hands above his head. And yesterday I got him to clap with me! He's been clapping for a little while now, but more just slapping his hands together and not really meaning to. But check out this video, he was totally clapping!

He is really growing and changing!!

OH and on Saturday he had two little teeth pop up--his front bottom two teeth. They are just barely there, but they are coming!!

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