Friday, April 17, 2009

what's on your shirt?

Now that the weather is warmer again and Isaiah can wear short sleeves, I pulled out the 3T tote full of clothes that I have for Isaiah (a friend from work has so wonderfully (and cheaply) sold me her sons' clothes and Aunt Brittany is so nice about handing us down Dakota's clothes he out grows --Thank you Brittany!! so I have lots of clothes in the basement). He's been pretty excited to wear several "new" shirts... well, really, I've been pretty excited that he gets to wear different clothes, truthfully I don't think he really cares one way or the other :)

The other day he wore a new Thomas shirt...I asked Isaiah, "who's on your shirt?" He looked down and of course knew Thomas and he also knew Percy, but he didn't know I told him the red train was James...he got so excited and screamed, "LEVI JAMES!!" He was so amazed that Levi was on his shirt! :)

When we got to Laura's house, I asked him who was on his shirt again and he said, "Thomas, Percy and LEVI JAMES!!" It was too cute!! He loves his little brother so much! He is proud to say, "that's my brother," when he is with him. I'll have to post some brothers pictures soon.

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