Thursday, September 3, 2009

a morning at the park.

What a beautiful day! I decided today was a "let's get out of the house" day. Sometimes the kids do better when we get away and enjoy each other -- rather than be cooped up at home -- and it gives me a chance to forget the piles of laundry, dishes and other messes that are at home, and simply enjoy the kids.

So first thing this morning, we loaded the stroller with babies and off to the park we went!

Isaiah decided that the little wagon needed to come -- it turned out to be a really fun idea!
It's funny how each little one is their own person -- they all like different things... and every day what they like is different, ha ha.

Today --

Jayda liked the stairs...and bringing the wagon up and down the stairs.
Levi wouldn't stop climbing up and down the other set of stairs and then jumping up and down when he got to the top.
Isaiah was all about the slide--and climbing up the slide! :)
And Jonah didn't really care about the playground, he just wanted to sit by the mulch and pick up pieces of it.
The kids got hungry -- good thing I brought a snack! I told the big kids if they were REALLY good, they could have a "special water" (as Isaiah calls Propel water) for snack. And guess what, they both earned it! The babies were pretty excited about the goldfish crackers - they both ate more than the big kids did! :) I must say it is nice that all 4 kids can now eat the same thing!
After snacks, Isaiah and Jayda raced down the double slide at least 10 times...laughing each and every time.
Then we had to head home to change a poopy diaper and put the babies down for their morning naps.

And now -- the big kids are being creative. They decided they wanted to have a picnic so they are eating carrots and "dipping" as Isaiah calls it (AKA Ranch dressing) on the floor while I type this post.

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