Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday night.

Last night the boys and I went on an adventure to Target. It's always a mystery as to how a shopping trip with both boys and a long list will turn out! Last nights list was mostly fun stuff for the boys (like a pair of shoes that actually fit Levi's SUPER WIDE feet) and some bath color tablets (just like Caiden). Surprisingly I made it through an hour and 15 in Target with TWO happy boys! And we got everything on our list except the fruit - how does the new Target not have any fruit???

Anyway, we came home to try out the new bath colors. The boys both thought they were SUPER cool! Levi just smiled and laughed about the water for 5 minutes straight! I told Isaiah he could pick two tablets to try, so he picked blue and red. The water looked so pretty, and was really bright! (You can't really tell that from the picture below)
After bathtime, we got jammys on and put on our new slippers (well, Isaiah's new slippers, Levi's hand-me-downs from Isaiah, and my old, old slippers). The boys sure looked cute, and they both thought they were pretty cool.
Did you notice that Isaiah picked out Spiderman slippers? Did I ever mention that Isaiah loves Spiderman for some strange reason? Isaiah decided that we needed to have a popsicle for a bedtime snack.
Levi's a bit messy when he eats popsicles! :)Levi got bored of the movie Isaiah picked out (Qwest for Camelot, I think?)
What a fun night we had!

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