Friday, October 2, 2009

silly stories

So many funny stories happen every day in our house - all to often, I forget that it won't always be this way, so I thought I'd write down a few to remember - and for you all to get a laugh...

1-- One night Isaiah couldn't sleep and so I came in and we read a few more books together...He now has to go to bed with a huge stack of books that lay beside him while he sleeps...It was after 9 and I knew he was really tired. He picked a really boring book about what it means to be an author (this was a young elementary text book that I got from my mom's school - and way over his head), so I knew he wasn't really listening....and out of no where he says, "sometimes I puke." "Yeah," I said, "sometimes that happens, do you feel sick now?" "No."

2--This one is sweet, not funny, but I think it is so cute... Isaiah, Levi and I were playing together in the toy room one day. Out of no where Isaiah started singing to Levi "Baby Brother, Baby Brother, Baby Brother Levi, You are my baby brother Levi." :)

3--One morning we were on our way to Laura's house, we drove by a big water tower and Isaiah shots out, "WOH! That one is hugmundas!!!" I said, "do you mean it's humongous? " "Yeah. That is humongous!" ha ha. I've never heard him use that word before. By the way--pointing out water towers is something that we just do now. I'm not sure how it started -- I think it was when Grandma Michele was here visiting and we took a trip to Adventureland. Anytime anyone sees a water tower they get to point it out. If I notice one and say it, Isaiah will usually say, "I see a water tower -- I got it." Meaning, he got the point for seeing it first even though I did :)

4--On the way home one night, I told Isaiah that when we got home we had to go right to his room and read stories. He said, "why?" I explained that it was bed time and "Levi has to go to bed, Kammy has to go to bed, Austin has to go to bed, Mommy and Daddy have to go to bed, and so does he." He then says, "and the car has to go to bed." I said, "yeah, the car has to go to bed too." He says, "the car gets to sleep outside." "Yep, it does." "The car is tired." Ha ha :)

5--Isaiah is completely hooked on Curious George books. Mark got him a few a month or so ago and since then they are basically the only books he wants to read. Then a week or so ago we got a few more at the library. Now we have a small selection of what we can read, his favorite is Curious George and the Hot Air Balloons--which I read to him on average 4 times a day! :) There is a part in the book about Mount Rushmore and it lists the presidents who are on it, every time after I read the names he says, "no, that it is Ollie, Ohlie, Ollie, Ollie." I'm not sure what that means, but that's their names according to him :). We also checked out Curious George Makes Pancakes because Isaiah loves pancakes. He REFUSES to read the book. I suggest it every time we sit down to read and he always says, "I don't like that one." We've never gotten past the first page. I have no clue why. Silly boy.

6--One morning Isaiah had waffles for breakfast and got a little sticky with the syrup. He said, "I'm all sticky mommy, I need to wash this off in the bathtub." So he got in the bath and then asked me, "where is the sun's mommy?"

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