Monday, October 26, 2009


At Anna's Birthday Party we each picked out a pumpkin to bring home with us. We decided to carve our pumpkins last night. The boys were both pretty excited about it and we had lots of fun. My mom came over to help (and ended up taking lots of pictures). Thanks mom for joining us!
We started with Mark's HUGE pumpkin.
My mom brought my old pumpkin knife that's meant for young kids...Isaiah thought it was pretty cool to get to use a real knife.
We had lots of fun... but didn't get to Levi's pumpkin, maybe we'll carve his another day?
Ta Da. Isaiah was proud of his pumpkin. He held it up and said, "Scary face, scary face!"
On the front step!
Isaiah was so happy to show Jayda this morning when we went outside to play.
He had to show her how all the tops come off, and how to put them back on. He is getting so interested in things and often says, "that's interesting." What a fun Halloween activity!!

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