Sunday, March 14, 2010

half birthday party.

We don't normally make a big deal out of half birthdays. But we happened to have a playdate scheduled for Isaiah's this year so I decided to make a little party out of it. My sister-in-law gave me a huge cupcake pan that I've been wanting to try, so this was the perfect opportunity.
Thank you Brittany!!

It was Amy and Rhea's turn to host the playdate (we've been rotating houses each month) so Isaiah was very excited to go to Rhea's house. He was also super excited to go tell everyone that he was 3 1/2. I don't think he really gets what 3 1/2 means (duh) but he knows that it means he's closer to 4 and that's way cool. (All day long he told people that he was 3 1/2--Laura and Jayda when I dropped them off there, Grandma when she happened to call, and Grandpa when he stopped by later that night)

As always, the kids had tons of fun and played great together. We had our usual, pizza!
After pizza and a little more playtime, we had cake! yummy. But first I got a group picture. Although Isaiah is bending his knees a little bit, you can tell just how much shorter he is compared to the girls who are his exact same age.
Then they sat down and played ball. Don't they look cute? It took them a minute to figure out how to get situated like this and then after just a few turns they were done playing. :)
What a fun half birthday celebration. Next playdate is at our house...hooray!


Anonymous said...

so how did the pan work i want to get sum rubber ones but i just dont trust um

alisha said...

The pan worked great. I'd never baked with a silicon pan before, but no problems with it! The cake came right out without sticking to it.