Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I love tomatoes. They are my absolute favorite food. One of the moments I look forward to each year, all year long, is the first bite of homegrown tomato every July. There are days in the summer that I eat two (or three) large tomatoes (just like an apple) and handfuls of cherry tomatoes all throughout the day. I just can't get enough. Strange, I know.

So clearly I need to have a garden to keep up with my summer habits!

This year my dad inspired me to grow my own plants from seeds -- thank you dad! This was a fun activity for Isaiah and I to do together!

First we filled the planter with soil.
Levi had to come check out what we were doing...
Then we put the seeds in--we planted tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, green peppers and jalapeno peppers (can you picture us using all of these to make SALSA!!)--and watered them. Shaking a water bottle was the only thing I could think of that would just lightly sprinkle the water on the planter. :)
Here it is...
hopefully in a few weeks we'll see little plants, I'll keep you posted!

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