Thursday, July 8, 2010

conversations of the day...

Tonight as I was tucking Isaiah into bed...

"Can Jayda come and sleep over at our house tomorrow?" (by the way tomorrow means any day in the future to Isaiah, just like yesterday is any day in the past)


"We need to buy a purple, I mean red, sleeping bag for Jayda, and a smaller sleeping bag for Jonah and a really tiny sleeping bag for the new baby and a really big sleeping bag for Laura."


With a huge smile, "yeah, that sounds good."


The text message that Mark sent me today while I was at work...he's quoting Levi.

"I love you mommy, it's mommy daddy daddy see wohh daddy boop laugh owey daddy ticu ticu ticu hahahaha be tititit daddy help."

side note -- Levi likes to say "boop" while he's poking you - like when a grownup will see a baby and say "boop" when they touch its nose. Levi does this only will "boop" you anywhere! :) and he really, really likes to tickle people/toys/anything right now. he will do a tickling motion while saying, "tickle tickle tickle" so I'm sure the ticu ticu is Levi tickling something

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