Wednesday, September 22, 2010

even in preschool.

Our small group (5 couples from church who meet a couple times a month) started a new topic this fall on positive parenting.  One topic that came up last week was silly bandz.  (If you have kids, you probably know what they are - basically a rubber band formed into all kinds of shapes that kids are wearing as bracelets.)  Most of our small group has young kids around Isaiah and Levi's age, but one couple has a daughter just a little older in elementary school.  They mentioned silly bandz and how she always wants to wear them to school,  but it is their rule that she doesn't get to, however, she often comes home with one on that a friend has given to her.  As we had this conversation in group, I was thinking about the fun I had to look forward to in a few YEARS -- well turns out I was wrong - it was a few DAYS. 

Wednesday Isaiah, Levi and I were outside playing and Isaiah says, "OHHHH I almost forgot to show you...let me go get it!!!!" he goes inside and comes back out with .... you guessed it -- a silly band.  He says, "look what my friend at school gave me!!!!"

So... I guess the fun begins - Isaiah is one of the cool kids now because he has a silly band.  (I'm afraid to ask him about it again because I think it may be lost! :) For the record, it was shaped like an umbrella.

This post is for you Mindy! :)

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