Tuesday, March 8, 2011

two and a half.

Levi turned 2 1/2 on February 12 - right after we got home from Florida.  I've been meaning to post about it, but time keeps slipping away.  but now that I almost need to post one for Isaiah, I figured I need to get a move on! :) so here we go - I'll do my best to give you a picture of who Levi is and his personality!

+ Levi is a complete B.O.Y.  He is built like a boy physically - a solid, heavy body and big wide feet!  He is also wired emotionally like a boy - rough, tough, fearless and busy. He's also a bit of a bully!  He knows what he wants and will make it  clear to just about anyone around him (he will grab toys, yell, GROWL etc until he gets what he wants). 

+ But he is also so gentle and sweet - especially with babies.  He even tends to be a little more gentle with any girl (that's around his age or younger).  He loves, LOVES babies and always has.  He likes to tickle them (especially in the face!!) and hold them.  He's going to make a great daddy someday! :)

+ He also loves his big brother.  He wants to do what he's doing pretty much all of the time and if he doesn't want to do what he's doing, he at least wants to be in the same room as him.  The good thing is that his brother loves him right back and prefers the same thing (except when Caiden is at our house!).

+ Levi is still a binky and blankie lover.  Remember - we drove 90 miles out of our way to pick him up just a month ago.  He would be lost without either one - at least at bed time.  Some days he carries both around ALL day, but other days it's just bedtime.  We have 3 binkies left and all are completely chewed through and we've said we are not buying anymore.  He really doesn't care.  I've decided I'm really in no hurry to get rid of them anyway - let him be a baby for just a little longer!  by the way- some days we can get him to substitute vampire teeth for the binky (but not at bedtime, of course).  haha

+ He still sleeps in his crib (this is his choice).  He officially climbed out of it a few weeks ago when his basketball landed in the crib - he climbed in and got it and climbed back out - but has not climbed out during bedtime or naptime.  We've offered to let him sleep with Isaiah or on the bottom bunk of Isaiah's bed, but he is completely uninterested.  Again, I'm fine with that, I'll keep my baby! :)  He continues to nap daily from about 1-3 (we wake him up around 3 or 3:15 if he's not awake) and sleeps at night from 8:30 to about 7.  He almost always goes down with little trouble - except he generally will cry for a snack if he didn't eat well for dinner or bedtime snack.  I allow him to have the snack in bed - it's just easier for everyone (yes, I can be a pushover! :) haha). plus I know he truly is hungry.

+ We are still working on his colors.  He understands that there are different colors and knows the words for most colors (blue, red, orange, yellow, etc) but he isn't able to state what color something is -- unless it's orange.  If you ask him what color something is he will immediately respond blue - usually before even looking at it, but if you have him try again he MIGHT get it (especially when it's orange).  If I ask him if it's blue or red he will sometimes get it.  We will keep working on this - a big part of it is he is just so busy that he doesn't take the time to figure it out! 

+ Levi is a tough eater - there are days that go by that he's hardly eaten anything and other days he will have 5 helpings at a meal.  It's hard to say what he'll do.  He still prefers crackers or cereal bars most of the time.  And is pretty inconsistant with just about everything else, but peannutbutter sandwiches.  If he's hungry and didn't eat anything else, I can almost always count on him to eat a full peanutbutter (with no jelly) sandwich. He LOVES milk.  The days he hardly eats, he drinks half a gallon of milk (not really, but a lot!).  He definitely isn't starving and eats healthy foods most days.

+ Levi is a muscian.  He loves to play music - whenever we go somewhere new, he always manages to find an instrument.  His favorites are the guitar and the drums.  Grandma Michele sent home real drum sticks for the boys and he actually has rhythm when playing them!  I have a feeling he will be in a band someday.  Hopefully we can get him in lessons someday soon!

+ He continues to be a big boy on the potty.  He can usually keep himself dry all day - but does sometimes hide to go #2 in his undies.  Most days he will prefer to wear underwear, but sometimes requests a diaper.  He frequently goes to the potty all by himself and then comes out to tell us he did it!  We are not pushing it, but he's doing great!

+ Levi has created his own little "Levi call" when he wants attention.  If he can tell that no one is listening to him or if he wants something and doesn't know where we are he will very loudly uhahUhAhUHAhAHUA.  It sounds like Tarzan.  He uses this all the time.  Hopefully it will be a short lived phase! haha.

+ He continues to be a completely fearless little guy.  He will jump off just about anything, climb as high as possible, he explores everything, fights/wrestles with the "big boys" and even has no fear of water - he jumped right in to the pool.  If we tell him to stop, he'll ask "why."

+ Which brings up another point - he continues to ask why all.day.long.  No matter what you say to him, he will ask why.  Examples, "Look Levi, it's snowing" WHY?  "Daddy is at work" WHY?  "Get down, Levi, that's not safe" WHY?  "That's a big crocodile" WHY? "Levi, our friends are coming to play tonight!!" WHY?  If you've been around Levi any time in the past 3 months - you know this about him! :)

We love you Levi James! 
You are a big blessing to our family!!

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