Thursday, January 12, 2012

1 month!!

Titus isn't so sure how he feels about turning 1 month old today!

It's hard to believe that he's a month old today!  This month has flown by, but it also feels like he's been a part of our family forever, funny how that works!  I suppose the chaos of the holidays didn't make the days pass any slower!  

Titus continues to be such a mellow little boy.  He is very happy and content about 95% of the day (minus about an hour sometime between 5-7) as long as he his being held.  But he could really care less who is holding him - a rowdy little 3 year old, a loving grandma, or his mama, they are all the same to him :).  He has started to move his little arms and legs a lot and is beginning to focus his little eyes.  He can tell if someone is talking to him and when he hears my voice he definitely pays attention!  He continues to eat about every 1.5-2 hours during the daytime and eats about every 2-3 hours at night.  Our night time routine has not changed since we brought him home - he sleeps in a cradle next to my side of the bed, eats every couple hours and occasionally  always ends up in bed with me.   His big brothers adore him more and more every day.  They both try to be big helpers and don't even mind throwing away his dirty diapers for me!  Sometimes they are a little more help than I need as I've turned around to find one of them have gotten him out of his swing, car seat or bouncy chair and are trying to bring him to me...this would be a big help if it didn't mean they were carrying him by his neck - haha.  But really, Titus seems to love his big brothers right back and enjoys being in their arms.  He has officially grown out of just about all of the newborn clothes that I had him wearing and fills the 0-3 month clothes nicely.  I have a feeling it won't belong before I'm saying they are getting snug.  He had a doctor's appointment on 1/4/12 (3 weeks 2 days) and he weighed in at 9lbs 6oz - up 1lb 2 oz from birth!  He grew an inch to 21.5 inches which puts him in the 50% for height & weight (along with his head circumference, but I can't remember for sure how big it was 14.5 maybe???).  Doctor had no concerns and thought he was a healthy little guy.  Titus has lost most of the hair on the top of his head  and it is coming back in light blonde just like his big brothers.  He definitely uses a binky, but doesn't want it most of the time.  He seems to just want it when he's done eating and when he's very tired, but he doesn't typically sleep with it.  Titus prefers showers over baths, just like his big brother Isaiah did.  He relaxes in the shower and acts like he is trying to drink the water off my (or Mark's) arm, but he screamed all the way through both baths I gave him.  We will probably stick to showers for a few weeks and try again!   He toots just about all day long and the boys think it is so funny, but it doesn't seem to bother him, however, he has tooted himself awake many times :)  Is this an indication that we have another baby who is all boy? haha
We are so blessed with this little one and are loving life as a family of 5!!

1 comment:

JAH said...

Titus is so sweet! I can't believe he is 1 month already. Your boys are all adorable. We miss you!