Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Christmas decorations.

Both big boys really enjoyed the Christmas season this year.  They enjoyed the tree in our house, the Christmas lights while driving, the Christmas music, the Christmas specials on TV, the special books we got out and most importantly talking about the Christmas story at home, church and preschool.  I wanted to capture their favorites this year and compare them to future years!
First - Isaiah's favorite Christmas "decoration" from our box of Christmas 'stuff'.  (gotta love Levi in the background putting on a fake smile - I must have said, "say cheese!") 
 Once again the favorite book out of the Christmas batch - I'm not sure what it is about this book but Isaiah has loved it for as long as we've had it.  Isaiah has definitely outgrown Elmo and Levi never really had any interest in him so I was shocked when this was again the favorite! This year Isaiah love, love, loved to say that last five lines as fast as he could (five golden things, four calling monsters, three french friends, two yummy cookies and a red monster up in a tree -- and no I didn't even have to look up the words! haha)
 We got this snow globe as a gift from a friend and Levi thinks it is the most amazing thing EVER. He L.O.V.E.S. to shut off all (and by that I mean any light in the house anywhere) the lights close all the curtains and make anyone who is at home sit and look at this snow globe in the dark (or sort of dark during the day).  This is the only Christmas decoration not put away as I cannot bear to see his reaction when it's missing from the speaker -- I think he's going to have to be the one to put it away! :)
I recorded TONS Christmas specials that were on TV throughout December - Prep & Landing, Frosty the Snowman, Flintstones Christmas, Elf on the Shelf, Pinocchio Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, A very Pink Christmas, Enchanted Christmas and many more.  A majority of them we started, but never finished as the kids didn't really like them, but a few they loved and watched several times.  We usually watched one Christmas show each night before bed with just the light of the Christmas tree!  The boys really liked Prep & Landing, and Levi loves the Grinch all the time, but their favorite was A very Pink Christmas with the Pink Panther. :)  It was a cute little show with no words and just music but it talked about how we can save up for ourselves or give to others - definitely a good message to talk about with them!
And last but not least, the favorite thing of Christmas by far in our house was listening and dancing to Go Fish Christmas with a Capital C CD.  And to be more specific the songs Capital C and Little Drummer boy.  I think we spent at least 100 hours in the 2 weeks leading upto Christmas listening to these songs - mainly Capital C over and over and over again.  The day Isaiah realized that Capital C was on the CD twice - once with a comedian and once without he about fell over with happiness and he had to tell everyone who came to our house.  We also spent lots of time drumming on things to the song Drummer Boy.  There's nothing like the Go Fish Guys!
We really had a great Christmas Season this year and were blessed with an amazing gift - our little Titus - along with the celebration of the birth of our Savior.  I can't wait for next year to do it all over again!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A very pink christmas-Pink Panther