Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ice Day.

One January day we had freezing rain that made our driveway pure ice.  Everything in town was closing and of course there was no school, but we were on "Flash Duty" as my parents were out of down and their dog Flash needed out and to be fed. It wasn't a big deal because we only live a few blocks from them....the boys were amazed with the ice.
 Obviously ice isn't dangerous at all so it's completely safe to let your three little boys play on it.
 And slide around all over the driveway.
We did have quite some trouble getting the van out of our neighborhood as we have quite a few hills, but with a good start on the bridge the van did it.  Luckily I remembered that we have a parking break that I could use before we slide off the road and over the cliff - yikes!

oh the joys of Iowa winter.

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