Tuesday, December 30, 2008


A few days ago Isaiah decided to dump his entire bottle (which was basically brand new) of shampoo/body soap into our bathtub. I never got around to cleaning it up. Tonight I decided to try and give Isaiah a bath with all the soap in it. Look what happened!

You can't really tell from the picture, but it is about 1 inch of water and 15 inches of bubbles...Isaiah thought it was really cool for about 10 seconds. Then he said, "wipe the bubbles off me mama." So I wiped them off (of his hands and arms) and of course he got more on him immediately, and he said, "wipe the bubbles off me mama." So I did. Then he said, "I'll get dressed now mama." So he clearly wanted out...we didn't have the fun I thought we would, but at least I got a couple cute pictures! Now I just have to figure out how to clean out the tub...I'll guess I'll leave that for another day! :)

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