Monday, December 8, 2008

our crazy game.

So Isaiah got this really fun sander toy (I have no idea what type of tool it really is) for his birthday (Thanks Austin and Kammy!). He's pretty much all boy so he loves tools... so it was perfect... but Isaiah's found a better use for it...

He's always loves to run around our house, grandma's house, or any other house we go fact it doesn't have to be a house, he loves to run around Wal-Mart if he sneaks out of the cart, he loves to run around church, pretty much where ever he is, he likes to run around...

So our really crazy game we play was made up by Isaiah...and it's a combination of his cool sander toy and running around... Isaiah likes to find the sander (which has a button to make noises and make the gray part spin around) and come and get you and say "I'm going to get you." and wait until you start running around... you run all around until you finally let him catch you...and he "gets you" with the tool and then he starts running and you do it again. Then he'll hand you the toy and say, "come get me, mama (or dada, or whoever)." And expect you to do the same end up chasing each other all around the house while holding the sander out in front of you trying to use it to catch them and "get" them. He thinks this is the most fun thing to do ever!

Now once in awhile there is a variation to the game, the other person gets the Elmo drill (which also makes noises and spins around) and each person runs around trying to catch the other one...and "get" them by making the toy spin around while touching them.

Isaiah LOVES this...tonight Daddy and Isaiah were playing the chase game (with just the sander toy...which to Isaiah is called "thing.")...and it was so cute... Isaiah lost the sander somehow while chasing daddy and runs out to Mark and says, "Do you have the thing?" How incredible is it that he is asking questions like that when he plays?

Okay so I know our game is crazy (weird), but we have lots of fun and laughs playing should come over and play it with us! :)

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