Tuesday, January 13, 2009

go white team!

The other night we were all upstairs hanging out...Mark had on a playoff (?) football game. There was a white team (New York???) and a black team (Steelers). Isaiah was off sweeping the bathroom and hallway as he likes to do for fun up there...when he came in, I asked him, "Are you rooting for the black team or the white team, Isaiah?" and he said, "The white team!" He obviously had no idea what any of that really meant, but it was pretty funny because Mark was rooting for the black team! So I said, "go team go!" which is our new family thing--whenever sports are on, one of us, including Isaiah, will start the Go Team Go chant. Isaiah's response was "go white team go!!" so Mark says, "go black team go!" Isaiah says, "go white team go!" and they went back in forth a few times until Isaiah said, "go black team go!" ha ha... a little while later, maybe 20 minutes or so, Isaiah who has been in and out of the room doing this and that comes in and says again, "go white team go!" It was so funny. I'm pretty sure he doesn't really understand the concept of teams and I KNOW he doesn't understand the concept of two football teams playing against each other on TV, but he knows enough to say, "go white team go!" It's so neat to watch him turn into a little boy and enjoy the things his daddy does.

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