Sunday, January 4, 2009

is it spring yet?

Isaiah is getting really tired of being cooped up in the house all day long every day! He is ready to go to the park and play and run!! I've tried to get him to the playland at the mall as often as I can, and get together with other little ones so he can run and play with them, and have dance parties together...but it's just not the same as the park. A few days ago, it was sort of warmer outside than it's been (our thermometer in the backyard said 25, but I'm not sure how accurate that is), so Isaiah and I took advantage of it and went out to play (little Levi missed out, he slept through all the fun!).

We had a good time, we got out some toys, we shoveled with Isaiah's new shovel he got for Christmas, we threw snowballs at each other (Isaiah's FAVORITE snow activity!--see this post for why). But after about 15 minutes, Isaiah started to fuss and said, "my hands are cold mama." So we went inside bummed that it is still winter... but before we know it, spring will be here and look out...we'll be at the park ALL of the time!! (hopefully!)

Isaiah getting ready to play, he thinks his snow pants are really cool!
Isaiah with the toys.
Happy to be outside!

1 comment:

Nichole78910 said...

What a cute little boy! I wish it was spring too...