Saturday, March 21, 2009

Binky Baby.

Levi loves his binky. I mean, LOVES his binky. Since he was born he's loved it. There have been moments that he wants nothing to do with anything but his binky... so in those moments you give him his binky and life is perfect in his eyes...these moments generally come when he is ready for some sleep...or when he's been very active and needs a break.

Sleep baby ready for his binky and bed.
Although he loves it, we do try to keep it away from him unless he is really tired or hungry.

This is a new adventure for us because his big brother was completely different, only on a very rare occasion would he want a binky...

I'm anxious to see how much he wants his binky as he gets older...I have a feeling he may be like his Aunt Nikki and use a binky until he is 4 or 5... :)

1 comment:

In Light of the Truth... said...

so cute! Eli LOVED his binky too, and I was pleasantly surprised he "weaned" from it just after his 1st birthday. He started throwing it out of his crib at naptimes so we'd come in there, and that was the end of that! So it'll be fun to see what Levi does with it!