Sunday, March 1, 2009

sippy cup (and food upate)

Levi has become so interested in what other people are doing. He watches me (and everyone else) do everything! One thing he especially likes to watch is when I eat or drink. He tries to grab my food or my cup. So we decided on Friday it was time to let him try out the sippy cup. He sure looked cute, but I'm not so sure he was too interested...we'll try again, and again until he gets it... Isaiah is such a good water drinker, thanks to Kammy (click here to read more about her), and I'm hoping that Levi will be too... maybe the sippy cup will be a fun way for him to drink water...and like it!

Levi decided playing in the mirror was much more fun than drinking water out of a silly little sippy cup.

As for other foods, Levi has now had several foods:

-Rice Cereal - I've tried to give him at least one serving of this each day, he likes it.
-Bananas - His first "real" food. He loves them.
-Peas - He did NOT like them at first, but ate them just fine the next few times he had them.
-Sweet Potatos - LOVED them!
-Applesauce (Baby food kind) - He liked these a lot too.
-A mashed up "regular" carrot - last weekend my parents made a roast with carrots and potatos...I didn't bring Levi any food, so we thought it'd be fun to try this... I don't think he ended up swallowing any of it, but it was funny watching!

We'll keep introducing more and more new foods to him! and now he'll even get to eat fresh foods because Laura came over today and we made homemade baby food! So I've got a freezer full of icecube trays of bananas, peas, green beans, apples, and carrots. Here's a picture of all of it but one tray of green beans that I realized I forgot to put out...

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