Sunday, February 21, 2010


Look what Isaiah did all by himself...that's right, he zipped his coat! This was not something we'd worked on at all. He's shown some interest in doing it for awhile now, but never really wanted me to show him how to do it. The other day I saw him fiddling with his coat as we were getting ready to go.Roughly 5 (okay maybe 10) minutes later he comes running to me..."LOOK!" He was so proud. He posed for the picture above and said, "take my picture!" I knew it was a super HUGE deal to him since he wanted his picture taken, as he never wants to pause for pictures! He's since zipped his coat just about every time we have gone somewhere (which means we have to get ready to leave 5 minutes early to allow enough time for this!:) Big boy!

1 comment:

Gretchen Handfelt said...

Wow!! Griffin hasn't even mastered this one yet. You have a smart kid on your hands!