Saturday, February 27, 2010

a snowy hike.

Friday my dad called and invited Isaiah and Levi to go on a walk with him and his dog, Flash. What a great idea, but only if I could come too! It was a beautiful day for a walk, even the sun was shining! It was warm enough that Isaiah didn't say one word about being cold (and that never happens!). I was able to get some cute snow pictures of the boys and their grandpa. What a wonderful way to spend a Friday afternoon!
Isaiah had to stop for a potty break so we got to look around the nature center. Levi loved the turtle. He just stood there staring at it and repeating "turtle" over and over.
We decided to take the back way to our cars from the nature center. We got about half way there and the path stopped, so we trudged through the deep snow. That was tough, eventually Isaiah ended up in my dad's arms and Levi in mine. Whew! that was a workout!
we made it!
Why haven't we done this more often this winter? I guess because most winter long it was below zero? Hopefully we get more hikes in this late winter and spring! Invite us again dad! :)

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