Thursday, January 20, 2011

Isaiah's first hockey game.

LeAnna, Caiden, Isaiah and I went to a Blackhawks Hockey game together on the 15th!  I hadn't been to a hockey game in years and Isaiah had never been to one.  The game started at 7 and I had to work until 6 so it was quite the rush but we made it just in time!  With all the people, noise and keeping the 4 year olds focused on getting to our seats we ended up sitting in the wrong seats and had to move right as the game was starting (sorry to those around us!) - and to top it all off my cell phone rang as the Star Spangled Banner was being sung.  It was quite the start HAha. 
Isaiah was awe-struck when the lights went low, the spot lights came on (in red!) and Tommy Hawk (the mascot) came out to skate.
 When the hockey game started the boys were all eyes on the rink.  They thought it was really cool.  The Blackhawks were celebrating John Deere night so were dressed in yellow and green jerseys.  The other team, from Chicago, I think, was in red and white.  So can you guess who Isaiah was cheering for?  yep, the other team.  Every time the Blackhawks scored a goal, Isaiah would say, "oh man, the wrong team won."  But the one time the other team scored Isaiah was so excited that he jumped and cheered.  It's all about the color of the jersey for this boy.  (Yes, he cheered for the Cyclones when they played against the Hawkeyes).
 A few fights broke out with the players - I wasn't exactly sure how to react - was I supposed to think it was rough and tough and great or was I supposed to say that those hockey players were being poor sports?  Luckily Isaiah didn't really understand what in the world was going on and didn't put two and two together that they were fighting - whew!  I got off easy that time.
 After about 10 minutes of hockey the boys were used to the loud noise, the lights, cow bells and screaming and got into the music!  They were putting on a show for everyone around them!  They were dancing so silly - I think they were more entertainment than the hockey game for several couples around us!
It was pretty funny to see them sing to some of the songs too.  Isaiah's favorite was, "hey, hey what do you say, let's go hawks!"  Lucky for him they played it at least 20 times!
 LeAnna went off to get us a snack so we didn't have to disrupt the people around us again (since we were seated right in the middle of the section).  Isaiah enjoyed a small part of his pretzel with cheese, but was more interested in eating the popcorn and drinking the Gatorade that Caiden picked out - note to self -- when out with a friend - have Isaiah get the same thing as the friend!  :)  By about 9:15 (way past bed time, can you believe we were out that late!! :) Isaiah was getting so tired that we left the game part way into the third quarter, but not before searching for Isaiah's missing mitten which turned up in between the original row we sat in and the one two rows forward.  We just couldn't leave without being a pain to those around us again! :)

The boys did good walking the long distance in the c.o.l.d back to the car (thank goodness we found that mitten!) and were happy all the way home.  It was such a fun night for the boys and a good laugh for the mommies.  I think the Blackhawks won - they were up 3-1 when we left.  I think we'll have to go again soon!

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