Sunday, January 9, 2011

yummy houses.

The other day last week Levi and I were at Target while Isaiah was at preschool.  They had all of their Christmas things 90% off.  There wasn't much left but I did find a Rice Krispy Treat house building kit for 99 cents!  I figured it would be a fun activity for the boys.  When I showed Isaiah, he was really excited and wanted to do it right away - Levi and Caiden, however, were not impressed and played while Isaiah and I had our own fun. 

Isaiah and I had a good time melting the butter and making the houses.  Then it was time to decorate!

After Levi saw that it involved candy, he then wanted to make one too.  Caiden still had no interest.
Isn't it beautiful?  
The kit made 2 houses and enough leftover to make a few other cut out things.  I made trees and snowmen.
As I was trying to get Levi to hold his plate to show off his finished product, he dropped the plate and broke it - bummer.  So this is the best picture I have of his finished product.  haha. 
It was definitely a fun little project - maybe, just maybe, we'll make more food projects again soon.  I'll keep you posted!

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