Tuesday, July 12, 2011

big boy!

Levi LOVES his crib - he is such a good boy when it comes to going to bed and down for a nap and I think it's because he loves his crib so much.  About 3 or 4 months ago he started regularly climbing out of his crib when he woke up from his nap or in the morning.  He never once got hurt because he is such a monkey!  On June 13 Mark took the railing off Levi's crib!   I wondered how it would go since he loves his crib so, so much.  It has been a very smooth transition!  He continues to go to bed very easily and stays in bed for the most part.  Sometimes he will get up about a half hour after I put him down and say, "just one more minute" and want to be with me doing whatever it is I'm doing.  But really, it's nice to have the sweet little company.  He continues to nap well - usually from about 1-3 - and we've had no trouble with him climbing out -- AMAZING, huh?  However, he does have just a few small requirements when going to bed-
1 - Binky
2 - Blankie
3 - Go Fish Guys' Snooze CD (playing on repeat LOUDLY)
4 - at least 3 or 4 blankets covering him up (we use 3 thick crib comforters and the quilt my mom made him)
silly boy! :)
He also goes down great in the pack N play as long as he has 1-3 above too. 

Here he is his first night without the railing. 
 and another night a few weeks later -- with a new addition to the list of things he likes at bedtime - a fan (although this doesn't seem to be a complete requirement).
I guess a rough first year of sleeping paid off for me the second and third, huh?  (Levi slept through the night for the first time on the night after his first birthday!)  What a big boy in his big bed! - the next transition - sleeping on one of the bunks in Isaiah's bunk bed?


The Diesburgs said...

We have to do the move to the big girl bed soon too and I am sort of dreading it! She has always been a great sleeper in her crib so I hope that lasts! : )

Nichole78910 said...

Too cute! Liahna also has many demands, especially if she doesn't want to go to bed. Last night she needed: kindermusik CD, binky, blankets, sippy cups of water, milk, and juice, and the following toys: caterpillar, bumble bee from Elise's mobile, baby Elmo, Thomas book, stuffed butterfly decoration that normally hangs on her wall, and her baby doll :)