Saturday, July 16, 2011

Father's Day.

(maybe someday I'll get caught up to date on this blog!!)
We had a very nice and relaxing Father's Day this year!  We let daddy sleep in as late as he could but still make it to 9:30 church, came home and gave him his card and gifts
and then spent some time doing the boys' favorite thing - wrestling - this time with costumes and all.
I forget what we did for lunch, but of course it was nap/rest time for a while at our house and then we went over to my parent's house to celebrate with my dad.  The boys enjoyed looking at my dad's collection of lighthouses with him.
Mark had two wishes for Father's Day - a day with his boys and a date with his wife... so that night we dropped the boys off with my friend LeAnna and had a date at Red Lobster...yummy.  We went and got the boys in plenty of time for our bedtime routine and before we knew it the day was over.  It seems like days like that just go by too quickly - before we know it Father's Day 2012 will be here!

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