Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A day at Morwood.

My friend Kammy asked me to come take pictures of her and her family while they were camping at Morwood Park.  I'm by no means a photographer of any kind but I do enjoy pictures - mainly because it captures sweet memories - and for this reason I take A LOT of pictures (mostly of my boys and occasionally I'll make it in a photo or two!).  Apparently Kammy likes my photography skills because I photographed her wedding for her and she asked me to come back for these family photos.  I ended up taking several pictures of her immediate family, her sister's family, her mother & step-father and the whole group.  I was fairly satisfied with the pictures and I think they were too.  For privacy's sake (since I don't know her extended family and can't ask their okay), I'll just post one nice one of Kammy's family -- I haven't done too much editing of these pictures so this is a raw image.  I must say that being a photographer is hard, and after this session I have NO desire to be a professional photographer of any kind (no offense to the family - they were all great!) it's just not in my make-up to creatively think of posses to fit all sizes of people together to look natural and flattering.  My biggest challenge with Kammy's family is their oldest son is much taller than the parents and the youngest son is still little -- how in the world do you make a pose with this without it looking awkward?  I did the best I could! :)
During the pictures, Mark and my boys found a fun little water spot to play in.  
and I even managed to have someone snap a family picture of us -- these just don't happen very often! 
We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon enjoying the campsite and the amenities of the park. We made it to the pool where Levi decided to jump in on his own before we were ready with no life jacket so Mark went after him fully clothed.  That little boy is just too brave!! The kids played miniature golf - a nice, clean little course - perfect for the kids to play and the adults to sit back and watch!
After the day full of SUN and warm weather, Kammy wanted to buy the kids an ice cream treat from the little store - well Levi was the only kid to cooperate and got a huge Mr. Freeze pop (and ate 2 bites and said he didn't want it! haha) the other kids each picked a candy.  I have to record that Isaiah picked out Bubble Tape gum and couldn't have been happier with his choice.  he LOVES it and has been really careful with how much he eats because he doesn't want to run out!  He has been nice enough to share a piece with me (which was less than one inch long :) and did notice them at Target the other day and said, "we should probably buy another one of those mommy so that I'll have it ready for when mine runs out."  :)  (no it didn't make it in the cart).  It's the simple joys that really make life great for kids, isn't it?  (Maybe I should learn a lesson from that!)
Thanks for a great day Kammy!!  

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