Saturday, October 22, 2011

field trip to Hartman Reserve

Last week Isaiah's class took their first official field trip to Hartman Reserve Nature Center.  Parents were invited to come along and luckily both Mark and I are off work while Isaiah is at school so we both were able to go!  (Thanks mom for coming to stay with Levi!).  Mark took Isaiah to school and rode the bus with him to Hartman and I met them there.  They got preschool t-shirts this year and asked all the kids to wear them on the field trip.  Isaiah was excited!
 Sounds like they had a fun ride on the bus! 
 It was a nice day - a little chilly, but not too cold to be outside in just sweatshirts and dry! The kids gathered around while the Hartman Reserve naturalist (I think that's what they are called?) talked about apples - the different colors/kinds and how they grow.  The kids did a good job listening and were then very excited to make apple cider.
 Each classmate was to bring two apples to share and they got to use an apple grinder to make fresh cider out of all of these apples.  They all got a turn cranking the grinder.
 and then got a glass of cider to drink.  There was plenty so the parents got to try it too - it was VERY yummy - much better than store bought cider full of sugars and things - this was just pure apples.  Isaiah and the rest of his class seemed to really enjoy it.
 We then went in the nature center to see the corn snake.  The kids were all very interested.
 and most of them were excited to touch it too.  (not me!!)
 And then it was time to go.  Mark rode back to school on the bus - he said it was another fun ride.
What a great way to spend the afternoon! 

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