Thursday, October 6, 2011

five years old.

Isaiah is five, practically 5 and one month - these months just keep flying by!  I wanted to write out a little bit about who he is now just like I did at four and  three and a half.

* Isaiah continues to be such a boy.  If it's rough and tough, dirty, wild, crazy, daring or dangerous he is all in!  He couldn't love playing in the dirt more; his favorite toys are superheros, monster trucks, dinosaurs, race cars, but his very favorite thing right now is Transformers - he's never seen the movies, but we have rented the 1980s  Transformers show from the movie store.

* But as boy as he is, he also continues to be gentle at heart.  He's gentle with babies and little ones at the park, he makes sure to watch out for the little ones around him and he truly cares about his friends.  He will often put his arm around or stroke your arm when talking to you - it's just natural to him.

* However, the side that comes out more than the gentle one is the rough one.  It's not uncommon to see him push his brother over or bump into him hard enough to knock him over just because he can.  He likes to play rough, wrestle hard, and show off his strength.  He, like most of us, wants things to go his way and if they don't - watch out - this side comes out!  And I think he knows (most of the time) when he does things hastily out of anger and does feel (at least some) regret.  So we continue to work on his response when things don't go your way.

* Isaiah continues to be a very good eater and will eat a large variety of things.  His favorites include: strawberries, broccoli, oranges, pizza, waffles/pancakes, sausage, hot dogs, ramen noodles.  He drinks milk during meals, but typically prefers water otherwise throughout the day.  If you ask him his favorite food he will always say McDonald's (what is it about that place??)

* He also continues to be a social little boy.  He enjoys playing with friends, having people over to play and going just about anywhere.  He quickly makes friends at the park or other play places, but plays very well with his brother too.

* He also loves company at bedtime.  In his perfect world, I would lay with him every night until he fell asleep, but in reality this just doesn't happen!  He asks every night for me to lay with him and many nights I will for a few minutes, but then I have to get up to get things done (unfortunately our dishes and laundry just don't do themselves!).  He does understand this now and doesn't usually get up to come check on what I'm doing, but sometimes he will get up to make sure I am doing what I say (and believe me if he catches me on the computer he questions it! haha).  Thankfully he is pretty quick to fall asleep.  Bedtime is still 8:30 and our routine has stayed the same for a long, long time - vitamin, brush teeth, 3 stories, Bible story, pray, bed.  If we skip a step Isaiah (or Levi) will say something.

* Isaiah is definitely a snuggler - but only when the time is right - when he's tired, not feeling the best or when grandma's around.  He loves to hug, but again, only when he's in the mood.  A lot of times his mood is rough and tough over the snuggle, so we take in the snuggles when we can!!

* At his 5 year appointment he weighed in at 46 pounds and 47 inches which puts him at the 57th and 54th percentile.  Right in the middle!  He has been in  the lower half for his height since he was a baby - so he has done some growing thing year!  The doctor had no health concerns at his appointment but his hemoglobin level did come back slightly low (10.6 and normal is 11-16), but the doctor just had us switch his multivitamin to include iron hoping that will bring it up - we've also been working to encourage him to eat more meat at each meal.

* He also had to get his 5 year shots at this doctor's appointment - this was quite the experience.  I decided not to warn Isaiah of the shots before going to the appointment as I didn't want to worry him or have a fit getting him to the doctor.  He did ask before we left if he would have to get shots and I said that he would if the doctor thought he needed them (not exactly a lie, right??).  We got through his appointment and then the doctor says, "I'll have the nurses come in with your shots."  He immediately started SCREAMING.  We tried to calm him down, Mark even offered Angry Birds on his phone (one of Isaiah's favorite things that he next to never gets to do unless we are with my sister and her Ipad), but nothing worked, he continued to scream and cry.  The nurses finally come in at least 5 minutes later with his three shots.  Levi, by this point is upset that Isaiah is still crying and seeing the needles, Caiden was holding his hands to his ears saying, "Isaiah you are too loud." and Mark and I are just trying to figure out what in the world we should do.  The 2 nurses  have us try to hold him down while they get his legs ready for the shots.  He kept pushing with his hands and kicking with his legs that they couldn't get him in the right spot so the one nurse leaves to get a third nurse!  They come back quickly and Mark, the nurse and I hold him down as hard as we can while the other 2 nurses give him the shots.  He starts SCREAMING and crying even louder!!  The shots were in, the bandaids were on and I thought we had made it through.  Just as the 5 of us were leaving the room the nurse says, "don't forget to stop at the lab to have his finger pricked."  Isaiah immediately starts in even louder, but we make it to the lab.  The tech has Isaiah sit in a chair and Levi gets even more upset and starts sobbing, "don't do it to Zay-ya, don't hurt my brother."  Caiden is sitting in the hallway with his hands still on his ears and practically yelling himself, "Isaiah you are being too loud."  And Mark and I couldn't really do anything but laugh.   The lab lady isn't the most kid friendly and took about 2 minutes trying to ask Isaiah which finger he wants pricked and we finally had to tell her to just pick one so we could get this over with.  She finally gets the blood she needs and out the door we flew.  It was quite the appointment.  My friend Gretchen just happened to be waiting for an appointment in another patient room and said she could hear the whole thing -- I'm sure the entire building did.  Thank goodness he doesn't need shots for several years!  Unfortunately Levi will be getting these shots at his 4 year appointment in less than a year, we will see how that goes!!

I asked Isaiah to name his favorite --

Food - McDonald's
Color - Yellow ... and red and blue...that's all.
Animal - ummmm lion and tiger and cheetah
Thing to play -games and to play with Caiden
Place to go - the jumpy house
Shape - uhh I don't know
Song -Kickin' It Old School
Toy - the trucks.

What are you thankful for?
A long pause, I'm thankful for everything I have.

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