Friday, December 19, 2008

playing catch with grandpa.

My dad usually makes a stop at our house after work on Thursdays; he's been doing this for a long time now. Our house is on the way home for him so it works out...We always look forward to Thursdays about 7 or 8...

Last night was no different, my dad stopped over and he and Isaiah started to play. Like I've said before, Isaiah is getting so good at talking in sentences and by now he is having full conversations. Here's the cute little conversation they had last night:

"I want to play catch," Isaiah said.

"How do you play catch?" asked grandpa.

"With a ball."

"Do you see a ball?"

"uh huh."


"Right here." as he points to the green ball in the picture above.

"Can we play catch with that ball?" asked grandpa.

"It's green," says Isaiah.

"Can we play catch with it?"

"yeah, it's breakable."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh Alisha, Isaiah is too funny! With him, I'm sure there is never a dull day in the Mayfield house!!!