Wednesday, September 30, 2009


When Mark found out he was leaving for Iraq he told me I had to get a gun or a dog. It is not hard to guess which I chose. We searched hard to find just the dog for us -- and we found him on May 30, 2005. We named him Krypto Nite (after Superman's dog, of course) and he was our baby. While Mark was gone, he was my everything - he slept in my bed, went where ever I went, he got me through the two years until Mark came home.

He was a fearless dog. He loved to be free and he loved to explore. And he could play catch for hours and hours. He was such a smart dog, too smart for his own good.

Last night, like many times before, he found a way to escape, but this time he doesn't get to come back. He was hit by a car and was killed.

We will miss you Krypto.

Krypto Nite
April 1, 2005 - September 29, 2009


Dan said...

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I always liked Krypto quite a bit. I always enjoyed playing fetch with him in your back yard when you guys lived in on Forest, despite the liters of slobber I'd have on my hands when we were finished. I'll miss him.

In Light of the Truth... said...

aw, that's so sad, Alisha! I'm sorry!

Nichole78910 said...

I am so sorry! Izzie will miss Krypto as well. We shared the news with her yesterday and her ears perked up when she heard Krypto's name - I think she recognized it.

Life of the Lorenzens said...

How very sad. We've decided to put our dog down this week and it's heart-wrenching.