Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Isaiah (and Jayda) is in a stage where he thinks it is fun to be wearing the same thing as someone else. Sometimes I use this as a way to get him dressed in what I want him to wear. (For example, Isaiah wouldn't it be really cool if you and Levi wore the same jammies? -- see this post)

The other day my dad came over and had a shirt on that is very similar to one that Isaiah has. So I took Isaiah into his room and he quickly changed to match...He thought that was pretty cool.

And a week or so ago, Jayda and Jonah came over for the evening. Jayda really likes to wear Isaiah's Mickey Mouse jammies so of course she got to do that -- and to make things even more fun, I got out Mickey jammies for everyone! I'm sure we'll have a lot more fun with being "twins" in the future!

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