Thursday, June 10, 2010


It seems like there are a million recommendations about what you are and are not supposed to eat while you are pregnant and as a small child under 2. I tried my best to follow the guidelines as best I could, but didn't stress about them EXCEPT for peanutbutter/peanuts. I've heard the stories of what it's like to live a life allergic to peanuts. I know how many foods have peanut product in them or are made in a location that uses peanut product. I did NOT want my boys to have to live with a peanut allergy.

I was so careful that the boys were not allowed to have anything with peanutbutter, peanuts, nuts or anything related. I'm proud to say that Isaiah was older than 2 when he was introduced to these things. I'm also happy to say he is not allergic to them (or anything that we know of)!

Levi is now 22 months old (on Saturday) and I gave in. I almost can't believe it....but we did. A few weeks ago I bought some cracker sandwiches that are filled with peanutbutter. Isaiah likes to open them, eat the peanutbutter first and then (sometimes) eat the crackers. Well Levi convinced Isaiah to give him one of the crackers (after he had already eaten the peanutbutter) and he ate that - so I'm sure he was exposed to a little peanutbutter there. But on Sunday night we had our small group to our house for a grill out and I made Schotchoroos for desert --- everyone was eating them so we decided to let Levi have one. So, I'm calling that his official introduction to peanutbutter. I'm so glad to say he had absolutely no reactions!!


1 comment:

In Light of the Truth... said...

cute! Eli's not allergic to peanut butter but he does have a sensitivity to peanuts, as EVERY time he has even one bite, he'll throw up a couple hours later. So thankful it's not worse!!