Wednesday, June 16, 2010

my choices

Mark and I will often give Isaiah a list of options of what he can choose to do. For example, tonight I told Isaiah, "here are your choices: 1 -- you can go potty and then pick out three stories or 2 -- you can go potty and straight to bed" This was his options when he was resisting bedtime. Typically he responds really well to this and will do the option that he wants (which is usually what we've just asked him to do and he's resisted).

This morning we went for haircuts and a few other errands and in the car Isaiah says to me, "mommy, you have two choices, we can 1 -- go to Chuck E Cheese or 2 -- go to McDonald's." I just started laughing out loud at him. I said, "oh okay." A few minutes later he says, "mommy, I changed my mind - your choices are 1 -- go to Chuck E Cheese or 2 -- go to the Mall." I just kept driving. On our way home we drove past my parents street, he then says, "mommy, I changed my mind again, you can choose 1 -- to go to grandma and grandpa's or 2 -- Chuck E Cheese." After we were past their street he said, "no, your choices are 1 -- go to Chuck E Cheese or 2 --go to McDonalds." HA HA

We did end up going to the mall later that morning, but not because it was one of my options! :)

1 comment:

AMother's Place said...

Thanks for stopping by... love it when people "stumble" across a new blog :) One of my fave's myself! Hope you have a great day today with your little ones!!