Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jazz festival...I think?

My sister's family invited us to come visit Memorial Day weekend and go to the Jazz festival (or was it Blues?). Of course we wanted to see them so we went and had a fun time!! Isaiah couldn't have been more excited when he saw the long row of blow up jumpers that were there. It was hard to believe that they were all FREE!

The first stop as we walked in was the balloons - Levi is still in love with balloons so he kept shouting "BOON, BOON" I love how you can see Liahna smiling through the balloon!
We made our way to the jumper things. First we got in this one:Then Isaiah went through the maze jumper -- silly boy went through and then snuck his way back to the beginning to do it again -- I felt bad for the kids behind him (sorry!! to whoever that was!)
Then he convinced my mom to go down the big slide with him.All the while, Levi jumped in the doggy jumper and another HUGE round jumper. He was a bit mad that he didn't get to do the others -- but he survived! :)

We then went for a cool snack -- a popsicle for Levi and a sno-cone for Isaiah (they had a flavor called spiderman! so of course that's what he picked!)
It was extremely HOT. We were all red in the face (especially Levi as you can see in the picture above). But we had a good time. We tried to check out the petting zoo and a few other games, but we were too late. I don't think I listened to a minute of the music going on, but just being in the "fair" type atmosphere was fun.

Thanks for inviting us Nichole, Jay and Liahna!

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