Sunday, August 26, 2012

Big wheel race.

I somehow learned that Sturgis Falls was bringing the annual Big Wheel Race back this year - probably saw it on someone's facebook page - and then my friend LeAnna mentioned that she had a couple big wheels that were just too big for her little preschoolers that she thought Isaiah and Caiden might enjoy...I put 2 and 2 together and off our family was to the race!  There were several races going as they divided the kids up into age groups so the boys were each in their own race of about 5 kids.

Levi's little legs were just a big short for the big wheels that we had available, but the rules stated it was a 3 wheel'd race so we brought the trike instead.  It was a bit funny to see him on a trike as he has been riding his bike since last summer, but he didn't seem to mind.  He was a bit shy when we got to the street where the race was to be held, but after watching lots of kids warm up, he decided he'd give it a go - broken arm and all!  He did a great job and earned himself a ribbon...which really was upsetting to him - you see, somewhere  along the way my boys decided that the "real winner" (of a race, game, competition) gets a trophy and anyone who comes in less than first place gets a ribbon.  So after thinking about it some, Levi was upset that he didn't get the opportunity to go for a trophy to win.  :)
Isaiah, on the other hand, could ride the big wheel with ease, but unfortunately didn't have the most quality big wheel out there - the faster he rode the more the wheel slipped on the pavement.  He didn't seem to notice that the kids with the fancy (and expensive) Radio Flyer big wheels were flying right by him.  He had a good race and was excited to participate!! 
Titus was a smiley baby who sat back and watched the whole thing go by.  Other than the parade the next morning, this was our extent of Sturgis Falls for the year!

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