Friday, August 24, 2012


It was a H.O.T. summer this year and finding fun ways to keep cool was a must!  I knew the boys would love the swimming pool, but I just didn't think one parent (Mark and I work such opposite hours that our family time with all 5 of us has been super limited this summer!) and 3 little boys at a busy, crowded pool would be the most fun option (at least for the parent!) so I opted for a bigger outside pool at our house.  All three boys loved it and we spent many summer hours enjoying this pool!  
We started with the pool in the backyard (which is mostly shade) and one day Mark moved it to the front which gets lots of sun - what a great idea!! The middle picture below is one silly day that Isaiah put the water gun bucket upside down in the pool and stood as a statue for several minutes just for fun :)
I couldn't help but make them pose for some cute summer swimming pictures together.  What sweet brothers and what sweet days we have with them... I think both Mark and I are trying to cherish every sweet moment we have with these fast growing boys!

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