Monday, August 13, 2012


The boys could not wait for VBS this summer!  They had such a good time last year that they had been waiting all year long!  The theme this year was Sky - Everything is possible with God. The boys loved all the music, especially the song God's Not Dead (Like a Lion) and Give me a J .  At the end of the first night the boys were amazed with the helicopter that came and flew off in the sky.  What a way to kick off the week!
 I was hoping to volunteer again this year, but in a job that I could have a baby with me (like handing out snacks or something) but when I went to sign up (at the last minute) they said all positions in all areas were full - so I had 4 nights with just a baby!  Mark and I took advantage a couple nights and went out to find a few geocaches without kids - and the other couple nights I got some work done at home!  A nice break for me too!  
I love that the kids get so excited to learn stories from the Bible - between Sunday school, preschool and VBS Isaiah has the basics down.  It's so neat to hear him share what he knows about our God.

The week was quickly over and the boys have already been asking when we get to do VBS again.  I thought about doing another week at another church, but I wasn't sure I was up for another week of late nights with cranky, tired boys! :)  They will just have to keep on being excited for next year!

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