Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Father's Day 2012

We celebrated Father's Day with my dad, mom, sister and her family the Saturday before Father's Day  (after the broken arm urgent care visit :)).  We spent the beautiful day outside playing and grilling.   The boys always love playing with Liahna and Elise.  It's also fun to see how these wild boys can play with a pretty little princess.  
 On Father's Day morning the boys gave their daddy a few Father's Day gifts before church - a piggy bank (because the boys each have their own so when we were at Target shopping, they insisted that daddy needed one of his own -which he switched our 'trip fund' money into), a couple new water bottles, and some toe shoes (the kind that your toes each have their own spot).  After church we stopped by Grandpa Mark's house to wish him a Happy Father's Day.
 Then we were off to do some geocaching with our friends the Andersons.  We had a great day on the trails, but not before we about got killed by flying softballs--I was beyond terrified when a ball just about hit us from  a long ways a way.  I insisted that we get off the playground!  Isaiah couldn't have been happier to have a buddy to ride his bike with.  Isaiah and Caleb were both racing each other trying to be the fastest biker - I think they both crashed off their bikes at least 40  times, but there were no tears!  I guess once the training wheels come off, you just know you can't cry about it!  I knew it was going to be a challenge when Caleb, Elise and Isaiah had their bikes and broken armed Levi couldn't have his.  Levi got so upset that he ended up riding Elise's bike about half the time and she was nice enough to take his place in the stroller.  I'm not sure why I didn't get a picture of the little boy with a broken arm and sling riding a pretty pink bike with streamers and all :)  
 We ended up back at my parent's house for dinner to have one more celebration with my dad.  Titus tried one of his first 'real' foods - a pickle - and he could not get enough!  
What a nice way to celebrate my dad and the father of my boys!  Happy Father's Day!

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