Monday, June 17, 2013

bunk signs.

I love finding fun craft activities in the clearance section!  The boys always love to do them and they usually turn out pretty cute!  I found wooden signs to make with cute stickers that they had fun making one day in March.  Unfortunately it did turn out to be a fight as to who got to hang their sign in what spot....but as usual Levi gave in to his big brother and then all was well.  :) poor middle child.
As cute as the signs were I'm sure you can guess that much to my disappointment they didn't stay up very long before they became just another thing that could come down.  What is it with boys and destruction??  Anyway the funny thing is as I checked on the boys tonight to be sure they were snug in their beds, one of these signs was actually back up, hadn't seen it in weeks!

And be sure to notice cape boy is back this day too, only instead of blankie it's the Buzz Lightyear blanket instead. Love my Levi.

Oh, and pay no attention to the broken light in the boys' room...they may or may not have thrown something at it and it came crashing down :)

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