Tuesday, June 18, 2013

That's right, another ER trip.

So I'm not even sure just how many times Levi has been to the ER.  I want to say 4, but is it 5?  They've all been emergencies that have to do with an accident - a trip, a cut, a broken arm.  yikes.  Levi has the worst luck too.  If it were any other person in the situation that caused the ER visit, I truly think they would have been fine.  Poor kid.  This time around Levi and Isaiah were playing around on the couch downstairs.  Doing their every day normal play and Levi just happened to jump up and come down with his foot in between the couch cushion and the arm.  Go figure that his little foot managed to hit a spring just right that it broke through the fabric and went way up into the side of his foot.  There was no sign of this happening and no holes anywhere else in the couch.  Well, the cut was deep and bleeding bad so I called Mark home from work and off to the ER they went.  They offered to stitch or glue it shut and based on where it was located the doctor felt that glue would do the trick just as well.  So no stitches this time (but we've already had them, so now we can also check glue off the list :) ).  
 Of course he was dressed all appropriately to go out in public - miss matched pj's that are 2 sizes too small :). But he was such a trooper and all smiles from there on out. The doctor said not to get it wet for 5-7 days and our spring swimming lessons started on day 5.  He was walking normal by day 5 and it looked pretty good so we did let him start his lessons - and all is well.  It does look like he will probably have a nice scar for life from this one.  ohhhh well. 

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