Monday, October 4, 2010

hanging out with grandpa and grandma

We've been over at Mark's parents a few times in the last few weeks - it's always fun to spend time with family!! Isaiah and Dakota are such good buddies. Check out all that we did - Cindy did some art projects and helped the kids make bird feeders (peanutbutter and then birdseed on pinecones), we went on a few walks, checked out Uncle Justin's motorcycle--Isaiah thought it was way cool, Levi screamed when we tried to get him to sit on it-- and just hung out.  Can you  believe how big these four kids are already?  Dakota - 5, Isaiah - 4, Khia - 2.5 and Levi 2.  Oh and I can't help but laugh when I see the picture of Mark, his dad and me on a walk - it was cold and the only thing I had in my car was Caiden's 4T sweatshirt - so that's what I'm wearing :) HAHA.  Here's to some family time.

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