Friday, October 8, 2010

We've had hours of fun on...

the Jeep!!

The boys have been driving around all over the yard on the Jeep the past few weeks.  What a great way to enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather!!   The most exciting part about this is that Levi has successfully learned how to drive the Jeep and is getting pretty good at stearing it too! 
Often times Isaiah will drive around on the "fast tractor" and Levi will drive around on the Jeep and they will chase each other.  (horrible picture - but it's the best I've got!)
Then I'll watch Isaiah run over to Levi and jump in as his passenger and let Levi give him a ride.  Then they will switch and Isaiah will drive... or one of them will run to the tractor and they will chase each other again.  I am so happy to say that rarely are there any fights involved in all of this!  (even when Caiden's here and there are 3 little boys and only two vehicles -- they just all ride around together!)
 And the latest thing is that Isaiah likes to ride on the back while Levi drives around.  Not exactly the safest thing, but it makes them laugh and the Jeep doesn't go all that fast if he falls off! :)
 If you need some entertainment, come watch the Jeep show in our back yard! :)

1 comment:

The Diesburgs said...

So cute, they will be cruising for girls together in a real car before you know it-LOL ;)