Thursday, December 23, 2010

Letter to Santa.

We had our first family Christmas party last weekend (I'll post more on that later) and Levi was given a little toy puppy that has a cord with a remote with two buttons - one to make him bark and one to make him walk.  Levi loves puppies, and loved this little dog toy.  The boys were playing with it on Sunday morning when Levi was still in his crib and Isaiah went in to say goodmorning.  Unfortunately they were playing a little too rough with the little dog and the cord broke.  The puppy didn't work anymore.  Isaiah says to Levi, "It's okay Levi.  I'll write a letter to Santa and ask him to bring you a new one.  Santa will bring one for you so you can play with it again." It was so, so, so very sweet of him.  It was so completey innocent.

I told Isaiah I would help him write the letter.  He said to me, "I better make sure to ask Santa for a remote control T-Rex too."  (Remember our visit with Santa, Santa thought he should ask for a dinosaur).  I said to him, "maybe you should just ask for a T-Rex, it might be hard for Santa to make a remote control one this close to Christmas!" :) 

So here's Isaiah's letter to Santa:

It Says:

Dear Santa
Puppy Isaiah

What a good big brother.  I sure hope Santa gets his request! :)

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