Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I hosted the most exciting New Years Eve party tonight!  Here are the details:

* There were 3 attendees - Me, Isaiah and Levi (the only other person invited was unable to attend as he had to work)
* We had orange slices and Kraft Mac & Cheese for dinner (I splurged - sometimes when I know it's just me and the kids eating the mac & cheese I'll make the generic brand - haha)
* We played garbage dump with the little legos and Levi's new Toy Story duplo garbage truck (Thanks Uncle Matthew!) on top of a pile of clean white clothes (that still need to be folded).  See above picture
* We danced to Go Fish Guys' new CD "Kickin' it Old School" (you should check it out, my boys love it).
* We played duck, duck, goose for a good 30 minutes straight which turned into lets chase each other around the living room until we fall down.  (This made us laugh the most all night).
* We watched the Christmas show Disney's Prep and Landing that we still have saved on the DVR (super cute!!)
* We had a snack of cheese, crackers and pineapple juice (yes, they love pineapple juice - and usually pick that over apple or orange, whatever!  they get juice like once a month -- haha, I'm that mom.) in bed AFTER we brushed our teeth (Isaiah's comment was, "This cheese tastes really funny after I just brushed my teeth") while we read our 3 stories (If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, I Can Do It, by Eric Carle, and Everyday Superhero - a book about Peter Parker being Spiderman).
* We hid from the scary monsters that were coming to get us after we finished our stories (Levi's idea) and were safe every time!  After 15 minutes of jumping around and hiding from monsters (which finally ended because Levi decided that the dinosaur on the pillow case was the monster and he said, "Monster can't get us, he's stays on the pillow"), Isaiah pretended to be a turtle with the covers, but it was time to go to bed.
* 10 minutes later Isaiah comes out to say, "if you want me to go to sleep, you need to come lay with me."  So I did.
* Now at 9:10 2 of the 3 attendees are sound asleep.
* and I'm ready to ring in the new year relaxing in bed (or more than likely sleeping!)

Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

Knut & Molly Brown said...

Love it! Happy New Year! Knut had to work b2 tonight as well so it's just Hallie and I, but your party sounds like it was a lot more fun then ours :)